Our Services
Our Services strive to meet the needs of the community. We firmly believe that by connecting in therapy we can start to heal our mind, body, and relationships.
Our practice provides all services via Telehealth!
Connecting Heals, LLC is in-network with Blue Cross Blue Shield and out of network with all other insurances. Your insurance company may cover some or all of the service options in our practice.
Individual psychotherapy services are all about meeting the individual needs of the person in therapy. These services include learning about you, helping you set goals, and determining what actions may be helpful to achieve them. We have experience working with individuals on many different difficulties and problems.
Families and couples can often benefit from meeting with a therapist together. It can help to improve communication, set familial or coupleship goals, address concerns, and work towards building a family life that makes the whole family happy.
Groups are typically 4-10 individuals. Each individual will meet with the therapist for an assessment prior to joining the group. Groups are usually either focused on processing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors or focused on helping people learn about mental health topics like coping skills, communication, and other mental health topics.
We help other therapists further develop and improve their clinical decision making skills. We strive to help other therapist’s focus on the needs of their clients and progress on their goals.
Much of mental health work is about learning and education. Our practice believes it is important to both continue our learning and also to share that knowledge. We have in the past done guest lecturing and public speaking when able. We look to continue to offer more opportunities in the future like CEUS and other educational content.